Teleontology: the metaphysical expression of late modernity


  • José Henrique Alexandre de Azevedo UECE



Teleontology, Being, Being-Man, Colonialism, Capitalism


TThis text represents our first attempting to offer a Metaphysic model to interpret the late modernity (which emerges in the middle of the 18th century and goes along until the end of the IIWW) through the concept of Teleontology. Thus, Teleontology means the procedure of the spirit of the late modern age to shift its paradigms from ontology (an investigation about the being as being, in which existence means an attribute) to teleology, in which essence must be conquered and revealed in the final of a progressive process. Instead of Being, Man became the main object of this investigation; the question of the being as being has given way as to an enlightened concept of being-man (never reached) as also to the task to achieve this in order to satisfy what reason designed to human species. However, as this project of achieving the concept of Being-Man advanced, its true nature became clear: a unilateral and arbitrary colonial expansion, which forced everyone to follow Teleontological paradigms. Teleontology can demonstrate that Greek-Christian metaphysics means a particular element (never universal) submitted to a specific culture and, in this case, expresses the structure of Eurocentric thought that became global by way of the expanding of capitalism/colonialism. Specifically, in this text, we propose to investigate: 1 – what is Teleontology; 2 – what are its objects; 3 – what are its origins.his text represents the first attempting to offer a model to interpret Metaphysics of late modernity (the turning of the 18th century to the 19th) through the concept of Teleontology. Thus, Teleontology means the procedure of the spirit of the modern age to shift its paradigms from ontology (an investigation about the being as being, in which existence means an attribute) to teleology, by which the essence must be conquered and revealed in the final of a progressive process. Instead of being, man became the main object of this investigation; the question of the being as being has given way to an enlightened concept of being-man and also to the task to achieve this in order to satisfy what the reason designed to human species. However, as this modern project advanced, its true nature became clear: a unilateral and arbitrary colonial expansion, which forced everyone to follow Teleontological paradigms. Teleontology can demonstrate that Greek-Christian metaphysics is an element submitted to a specific culture and express the structure of Eurocentric thought that became global mostly by way of the expanding of capitalism/colonialism. Specifically in this written we propose to investigate: 1 – what is Teleontology; 2 – what are its objects; 3 – what are its origins.


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Recebido: 16/07/2023 - Aceito: 25/08/2023 - Publicado: 13/02/2024



How to Cite

ALEXANDRE DE AZEVEDO, José Henrique. Teleontology: the metaphysical expression of late modernity. Trans/Form/Ação, Marília, SP, v. 47, n. 1, p. e0240078, 2024. DOI: 10.1590/0101-3173.2024.v47.n1.e0240078. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 nov. 2024.