On Herbart's place in the Psychologismusstreit


  • Mário Ariel González PUC/SP


Antipsicologismo, Herbart, Frege, Platonismo, Psicología


Abstract: To determine the place that corresponds to a particular author in the process called “the dispute about psychologism” (“Psychologismusstreit”), it is necessary to go beyond his express statements about the relationship between psychology and logic, and pay attention to his statements regarding subjectivity. In the following lines, this general principle is applied to Herbart, which will make it possible to determine the place he occupies in the dispute and clarify the relationship in which he finds himself with respect to other better-known and paradigmatic authors of said dispute, such as Frege. Keywords: Anti-psychologism. Herbart. Frege. Platonism. Psychology.


Author Biography

  • Mário Ariel González, PUC/SP

    Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), São Paulo – Brasil. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8220-1540


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Recebido: 19/05/2023 - Aceito: 23/06/2023 - Publicado: 13/11/2023



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