Contemporary Brazilian Philosophy and the Authorialship Issue: Paradigms and Methods


  • Ivan UFMG



Contemporary Brazilian philosophy, Metaphilosophy, Intellectual history, Formation and Post-formation paradigms, Attitudes towards the European matrix of philosophy


This paper focuses on Brazilian contemporary philosophy and aims to introduce [i] the conceptual tools  on the philosophical-theoretical plan, emphasizing the problem of the nature of Brazilian philosophy and taking the ideas of authoriality / originality as a starting point; [ii] the analytical tools on the epistemic-methodological plan, when associating the metaphilosophical methods, operating and giving expression to the philosophical ratio, and the intellectual history methods, when operating and giving expression to philosophy's historical realization and the philosophical intelligentsia. The discussions field is that of metaphilosophy, in the sense of philosophy of philosophy, when designing an argumentative course where metaphilosophy, history of philosophy and intellectual history go together. We will then have, in the intellectual history branch, in terms of the hypotheses to  operate the historical processes, the formation and post-formation paradigms, and in the metaphilosophical branch, with focus on the ethos, in order to distinguish the different stances taken  towards the European matrix in the XX-XXIst centuries, the attitudes of: alignment and reverence; assimilation and critical independence; ideological appropriation and political instrumentalization; suspicion and defenestration.

Author Biography

  • Ivan, UFMG

    Professor titular aposentado da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG – Brasil. Vinculado ao PPG em Filosofia como pesquisador e docente voluntário. ORCID:


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Recebido: 12/11/2022

Aceito: 20/11/2022



How to Cite

Contemporary Brazilian Philosophy and the Authorialship Issue: Paradigms and Methods. (2023). Trans/Form/Ação, 46, 251-270.