A philosophical worldview


  • Rodrigo Lastra Cid UNIFAP




Philosophy, Metaphysics, Worldview


The purpose of this paper is to present a philosophical worldview, specifically metaphysical. This is important precisely to obtain a generalist view of reality, at a time when philosophical discussions are becoming increasingly specialized. The metaphysical worldview presented here is a general perspective on time, space, matter, laws of nature, the mind and the normativity. In order to achieve such goal, (1) we will talk about the nature of philosophy and its relation to the construction of a worldview, (2) we will discuss some arguments to talk about the nature of the aforementioned entities, and (3) we will conclude by presenting a unified metaphysical worldview that takes these arguments into account.


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Author Biography

  • Rodrigo Lastra Cid, UNIFAP

    Professor adjunto da Universidade Federal do Amapá (UNIFAP), Macapá, AP – Brasil. ORCID: https://


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Recebido: 12/09/2023

Aceito: 16/01/2023



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