Machiavelli and the origin of the political communities





Maquiavel, Origem da Comunidade Política, Consentimento Originário, Medo, Aristotelismo


It is possible to find in Machiavelli an expression of the original consent to explain the origin of the political communities. This paper investigates this hypothesis in the approach of the roman political thought. With Lucretius and Cicero, it is clear the terms of the pact, covenant, consensus, and the primitivism of the difference between man and beasts, the fear and the common safety to founder the political community under the leadership of one man. The paper also debates the Aristotelian premises of the political nature of man and explores some examples of the Machiavellian time, that aims to confirms the existence of the language of the Aristotelianism within the original consent. It concludes that Machiavelli does not have a substantial theory to explain the origins of the political community, because politics and its study requires the research of the cities in the historical mean. This contractual language in accordance with that Aristotelian is used as a rhetoric strategy in the beginning of the Discourses.

Author Biography

  • LUIS FALCAO, UFF/Docente

    Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niterói, RJ – Brasil.


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Recebido: 17/08/2022 - Aprovado: 18/10/2022


2023-01-09 — Updated on 2023-01-18



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How to Cite

Machiavelli and the origin of the political communities. (2023). Trans/Form/Ação, 46(01), 149-170.