Corruption from a Latin American perspective
the fetishization of power in the political work of Enrique Dussel
Fetishization of power, Potentia, Potestas, Corruption, Enrique DusselAbstract
The purpose of this article is to present the theme of corruption, based on Enrique Dussel's political philosophy. Under the scope of the critical movements that emerge in the so-called Global South, Dussel's theoretical production aims to develop a structure that makes it possible to criticize what he calls the fetishization of power. The fetishization of power is presented as a foundation for the corruption of institutions that, unnoticed by the modern philosophical tradition, implies a political theory that legitimizes corrupted power. In our argument, we will expose the architecture of Dusselian politics, distinguishing the concepts of potentia and potestas. These concepts, in turn, allow for the differentiation between the delegated use of power and the corrupt execution of power. Then, we will make explicit the movement that Dussel assumes from Marx's critique of political economy to indicate the material content from which the critical constitution of a new political theory must be developed – content that is inspired by Latin American political experiences.
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Recebido: 15/8/2020 - Aceito: 10/02/2021
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