Totality and finitude: on singularization in Sartre


  • Marcelo Prates



Ontologia, Fenomenologia, Finitude, Totalidade, Singularidade


This article aims to analyze the problem of totality in Sartre in its relation with finitude. We begin with the problem of ontological solitude by which we analyze Being as the exteriority of indifference and the event of the it-self or ontological act. Postulating this event as a process of singularization and the life of the individual, we show how the finitude affects totality as totalization and singularization. Image condensed by the singular universal, the finitude, then, is not taken as an isolated totality, but is understood by its opening of the human in the singularization of a life.


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Recebido: 19/4/2022 - Aceito: 20/6/2022


2023-01-09 — Updated on 2023-01-18



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How to Cite

Totality and finitude: on singularization in Sartre. (2023). Trans/Form/Ação, 46(01), 177-208.

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