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Author Guidelines

The works must be sent through your electronic system. To do this, it is necessary to enter Access with login and password. If you do not have a login and password, you will need to register in the system.

Every contribution submitted to Kínesis first undergoes a preliminary assessment by the Editors, which analyzes the suitability of the works according to their editorial line, described in the Focus and Scope.

The review system is double blind (Double Blind Review): the names of the reviewers will remain confidential, also omitting the names of the authors before the reviewers.

All evaluators are doctors with experience in research and teaching. The principle adopted for the recruitment of these evaluators values the specialty and a broad knowledge in the area.

The criteria for evaluating the articles take into account the relevance of the theme, originality of the contribution in the thematic areas of the Journal, clarity of the text, adequacy of the bibliography, structuring and theoretical development, methodology used, conclusions and contribution offered to the knowledge of the area.  

Only one evaluator will be used per submitted work, but if the author disagrees with the opinion, he may request the Journal's Editors, with a reasoned justification, to submit the work to a new reviewer. If the second reviewer issues an opinion contrary to that of the first reviewer, the work will be submitted to a third reviewer. The final opinion is the result of a simple majority of the three opinions.

To maintain greater diversity, Kínesis does not publish more than one article with the same authorship (including co-authorship) in the same issue, nor does it publish articles by the same author (including co-authorship) in an immediate number to the one previously published. The author or co-author who published in an issue must wait at least a gap of one issue to publish a new article.

The contents of works published on Kínesis are the exclusive responsibility of their authors. Authors retain copyright and grant the Journal the right of first publication, with the work licensed as stated in the Open Access Policy.

The average time to complete an assessment is 3 months.

Editorial Flow

The Kínesis editorial workflow follows the following process:

Submission: enter Access with login and password to submit the text.

Editor review: editors verify that the text meets the Focus and Scope and Author Guidelines, and may be rejected or returned for adequacy.

Evaluation: the text is sent for double-blind evaluation according to the selection criteria and procedures described in the Guidelines for Authors.

Revision: the approved texts will go for textual and formal review, the approved texts with modification will be sent to the authors for adjustments, and the unapproved texts will be communicated to the authors. 

Production: formatting the final versions of the approved texts and launching the site number.

Publication Modalities

Articles: original and unpublished, results of studies and research related to the coverage area and the focus and scope of the Journal.

Reviews: original and unpublished works of relevance in the area on the content of national works, with up to 1 year of publication, and of international works, with up to 4 years of publication.

Translations: original and unpublished texts relevant to studies and research in the area; The texts must be accompanied by their originals and authorization for publication by the author and/or publisher.

Interviews: original and unpublished by researchers with relevance in the area or in their specialty; they must be sent to the editors who will analyze the interview in accordance with the editorial policy of the Journal; editors will have full autonomy to accept or reject the same.

Didactic Texts: original and unpublished with pedagogical relevance for the area, at undergraduate and graduate levels.

For other types of publications, the editors should be consulted.

Privacy Policy

The names and addresses provided will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors must declare any financial or personal relationship with other people or organizations, that is, indicate the funding source whenever the research is funded. This information is relevant so that we can assess whether there is a conflict of interest that could inappropriately influence the bias of the work.

Indication of authorship contribution

After the entire editorial process, the editors may, if necessary, request a description of the individual contribution of each author to the production of the research and the manuscript in the final version at the end of the manuscript.

Publication Rules

The texts submitted must meet the following formal aspects provided for by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT):


Can be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian or French.

They must contain 12 to 30 pages (including title, title, abstract, abstract, keywords, keywords, notes and references);

They must be submitted in electronic format, typed in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice, with Times New Roman 12 font and 1.5 cm spacing between lines and paragraphs;

Every article must be preceded by: title and subtitle (if any), separated by a colon; full name of the authors, the institution to which they are linked and their electronic addresses (e-mails); and ORCID for authors and co-authors; an abstract in the language of the text, which must not exceed 250 words, followed by keywords (3 to 6); title in English (if the language of the article is English, it is necessary to put the title in a second language), and an abstract, followed by keywords;

Quotations of up to three lines must be enclosed in double quotes; single quotes are used to indicate a quote within a quote. Quotations with more than three lines must be highlighted with a 4 cm indent from the left margin, in Times New Roman 11 font and without quotation marks. Deletions in citations should be indicated by ellipsis in square brackets, and interpolations or comments should be enclosed in square brackets. To emphasize excerpts from the citation, they should be highlighted, indicating this change with the expression "our emphasis" in parentheses, after the citation, or "author's emphasis" if the highlight is already part of the work consulted. Citations can be indicated in the text by the author-date system or by the numerical call system (referring the reader to footnotes);

Some examples:

In a few words, you will find in these pages the exposition of an epistemology that is naturalistic without being positivist, that highlights the activity of the subject without being idealistic, that also relies on the object without ceasing to consider it as a limit (existing, therefore, , independently of us, but never completely achieved) and that, above all, sees in knowledge a continuous elaboration […]. (PIAGET, 1983, p. 5).

Scientific knowledge of what depends on experience always consists in constructing abstract schemes or models of that experience, in exploring, through logic and mathematics, the relationships between the abstract elements of these models, in order finally to deduce from them properties that correspond with sufficient precision, to directly observable empirical properties. (GRANGER, 1994, p. 70-71, author's italics)

Footnotes, which can be reference, explanatory or include indications, observations and additions to the text, must be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals, with the call number in a high position in the text, after the punctuation that closes the citation, and repeated at the beginning of the corresponding note. The text of footnotes must be typed in Times New Roman 10 font.

At the end of the text, the references consulted should be indicated. A generic sequence of the essential elements of a reference can be represented as follows:

AUTHOR. Title. Translator (if applicable). Location: Publisher, date.

Example: HONNETH, A. Suffering from indeterminacy: a re-updating of Hegel's philosophy of law. trans. Rúrion Soares Melo. São Paulo: Publisher Singular, 2007;


The author (individual) must be indicated, as a general rule, by the last name in capital letters, followed by a comma and the first name(s) and other surnames. In the case of up to three authors, all are indicated, separated by semicolons. In the case of more than three authors, only the first can be indicated, followed by the expression "et al.". In the case of a work consisting of several works or contributions from several authors, the intellectual responsible (coordinator, organizer, etc.) must be indicated, followed by the abbreviation of the word that characterizes the type of responsibility, in parentheses. Works under the responsibility of entities are generally entered by their own name, in full and in capital letters.

The title of the work must be highlighted in italics and separated from the subtitle by a colon. The edition is indicated, when mentioned in the work, with the abbreviation of the ordinal numerals and the word "edition", both in the language of the publication;

In the case of articles in periodicals, the following order must be followed:

AUTHOR. Title and subtitle (of the article). Title (of the Journal), Place, volume and/or year, issue or number, initial and final pagination of the article, date or publication range.

Exemplo: GUMBRECHT, H. U. Emergence: a response to João Mattar. Cognitio, São Paulo, v. 4, n. 2, p. 194-196, 2003.

The cases not covered above must use the other guidelines of the standards for citation and reference of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT).

Example of article published on Kínesis


Must be 3 to 10 pages;

They can be from national books on philosophy with up to one year of publication;

They can be from international books on philosophy with up to four years of publication.

Example of review published on Kínesis


They must be accompanied by their originals and authorization for publication by the author and/or publisher.

Example of transtation published on Kínesis


They must be submitted to the editors who will carry out a prior analysis in accordance with the editorial policy.

The editors will have full autonomy to accept or not the same.

Example of interview published on Kínesis

Didactic Texts

They must be 10 to 15 pages long;

They must be submitted to the editors who will carry out a prior analysis in accordance with the editorial policy.

Errata and Retraction Policy

COPE (here) and Council of Science Editors (here) guidelines are followed for the correction of articles. Based on these sources, there are three methods for correcting scientific literature:

  1. Errata - refers to amendments or changes to parts of the article. Corrections can be in the title of the article, names of the authors and typographical or diagramming errors;
  2. Retraction - refers to partial corrections to the article due to methodological errors, incorrect data analysis, scientific misconduct or non-reproducible research. There is also the possibility of removing the article in its entirety from the page of the Journal;
  3. Expression of Concern - Refers to the publication of a disclaimer by the editor when there is concern about the reliability of an article, but insufficient information is available to warrant a retraction.

Editors will review all communications that point to issues with a publication, whether minor or significant. Requests for corrections must be sent to the email:

If the editors confirm the allegations, they can ask the authors to correct errors or occasional mistakes, or they can request retraction of a publication, based on the COPE (here) and Council of Science Editors (here) guidelines for correcting articles.

Editors may request publication retraction when:

  1. a) Authors refuse to correct errors or mistakes when requested by editors;
  2. b) There is clear evidence that research findings are unreliable, whether as a result of robust error, fabrication (e.g. information) or falsification (e.g. image manipulation);
  3. c) There is plagiarism, self-plagiarism or redundant publication;
  4. d) Research findings have been previously published elsewhere and there is no citation, communication of fact to editors, permission to republish, or justification;
  5. e) Contains information or materials not authorized for use;
  6. f) Copyright has been infringed or there is some other relevant legal issue (e.g. use of images without permission);
  7. g) Presents unethical research;
  8. h) It was published only based on a compromised or manipulated peer review;
  9. i) The authors did not report a relevant conflict of interest that, in the editors' perspective, would have unduly affected the interpretations of the manuscript or the recommendations of the editors and reviewers.

Editors will not consider retracting a publication when:

  1. a) There is dispute over the authorship of the publication, but there is no reason to doubt the validity of the research findings.;
  2. b) The main research findings are still reliable, and a correction can correct any errors.;
  3. c) Editors have inconclusive evidence to support the retraction or are awaiting additional information, such as that from institutional investigation;
  4. d) Conflicts of interest of the authors were communicated to the Journal after publication, but from the editors' perspective they did not influence the interpretations or conclusions of the article.

The request and writing of the correction must be made by the author responsible for the article. If there is disagreement between the authors about what is being corrected, the Journal editor becomes responsible for writing the correction. The errata, retraction or expression of concern will be published as soon as possible, with the article remaining on the Journal page with the respective correction indication.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished
  • Fits the Focus and Scope of Kinesis
  • Not being reviewed at the same time by another Journal
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice format
  • You agree with the conditions of the License described in the Open Access Policy of the Journal
  • Strictly follow the guidelines described in the Guidelines for Authors