Full-Time School in Germany and Brazil: A Discussion of Conceptions and Results of National Researches
Educational policy, Fulltime school, Policy evaluationAbstract
Brazil and Germany have made it an educational policy goal to increase the number of full-time schools. Each country implemented a federal policy on national scope and commissioned researches about this policy in the educational scenery. This article aims at describing the countries’ concepts of full-time education and the design of these researches, and at discussing some of their results. By considering academic literature and analyzing official documents, and the researches’ reports, differences and similarities between the two cases have been identified. In Germany the concept of full-time schools is more flexible. The federal financial support is bound to construct and reform schools’ infrastructures. In Brazil, where the legal definition is less flexible, the governmental funds are assigned to the acquisition of pedagogical materials and to financially reimburse volunteers. The national researches are of quantitative, cross-sectional character. The German research is furthermore longitudinal, and, thus, able to identify effects of full-time education and success-factors for its implementation. Both countries show significant increases in the number of full-time schools, but the quantity of attending students is still unsatisfactory. The challenge in both cases is to better integrate extracurricular offers into the schools’ pedagogical projects.
Recebido em: 09/10/2015.
Aprovado em:10/01/2017.
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