Information for autonomy in business, innovation and technology




Autonomous action, Informational demands, Business-Innovation-Technology, Startups


Differently named contexts such as business ecosystems, innovation, entrepreneurship and startups foster the high volume and diversity of data, information and knowledge required for decision-making in these environments. It is understood that the identification of information needs in environments called ecosystems brings new information demands to be addressed by information professionals, both at the practical level and theoretical for sustainability. It is considers the studies on information needs and demands that give a centrality to the users, the people and organizations, that interact in an environment through information. Through qualitative and descriptive research, informational demands were identified, such as: mapping relevant sources of information; identification of tools and mechanisms to integrate the various types of information; search and/or design of interactive information systems; identification of key moments in existing processes; representation and description of information and knowledge; characterization of personal and informational behavior. It is concluded that the informational demands derived from information pertinent to business, innovation, entrepreneurship and startups eco-systems require the information professional to make critical reflection about the availability and preparation for the use of tools and mechanisms to promote access and use of information, order to promote the autonomous action of the actors that are part of these environments.


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How to Cite

“Information for Autonomy in Business, Innovation and Technology”. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol. 13, no. 2, June 2019, pp. 69-77,