Relations between indexing policy and language policy
Política de indexação, Política linguística, Ciência da informação, Linguística textualAbstract
This research discusses the first approximations between indexing policy and language policy. The objective is to analyze the indexing policies of information units in order to highlight implicit and explicit aspects of a language policy. This is an exploratory and descriptive research, divided into three stages: theoretical survey, search and document selection and application of the content analysis technique. It turned out that the decisions recorded in an indexing policy, which direct the use of documentary language to index and retrieve documents through the indexing process and their variables of choice of documentary language, specificity and exhaustiveness can be guidelines of a language policy in the context of Information Science. It was concluded that indexing policy is close to a linguistic policy because it presents explicit decisions on the use of documentary language identified in the variables of language choice, specificity and exhaustiveness, demonstrating an intersection between Information Science and Linguistics, also including the area of Sociolinguistics, since it encompasses the context, planning and the horizontal and vertical axes, that are elements in common in both policies.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Luciana Di Paula Andrade da Fonseca, Franciele Marques Redigolo, Gilberto Gomes Cândido, João Batista Ernesto de Moraes
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