Activity Theory in understanding Information Literacy as a Social Innovation


  • Alessandra Santos Universidade FUMEC
  • Prof. Dr. Luiz Maia FUMEC University
  • Prof.ª Dr.ª Marta FUMEC University



Information Literacy, Social Innovation, Activity Theory, Expansive Learning


Information literacy has gained relevance for being a fundamental pillar for lifelong learning, since it develops an understanding of the form, processes and cycle of production and critical use of different types of information. Information literacy is a meta-competence capable of helping the individual to deal with specific informational needs of each context and, because information literacy is considered essential for full human development, it can be considered as social innovation, since social innovation aims at social transformation by means of changes in social practices. This article is a literature review that attempted to elucidate how Engeström's Activity Theory is a potential theory to represent the underlying process of learning transfer that occurs in the processes of transformational information literacy in a context of social innovation, contrasting it with the situational perspective of information competence, in which learning is not automatically transferable from one context to another, but mediated by practice and limited to the situation, innovation can be stymied by the unidirectional learning movement that makes the learner experienced of a practice.


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Author Biographies

  • Alessandra Santos, Universidade FUMEC

    Doctoral student in Information Systems and Knowledge Management at FUMEC University. Master in Management, Education and Local Development from Centro Universitário Una. Specialist in Corporate Education and Knowledge Management from Estácio de Sá University. Specialist in Teaching and Management of Higher Education from Estácio de Sá University. Specialist in People Management from Centro Universitário Una. Bachelor of Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Minas Gerais.

  • Prof. Dr. Luiz Maia, FUMEC University

    Doctor and Master in Information Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, graduated in Computer Science from the FUMEC University, a degree in Pedagogy from the State University of Minas Gerais and a degree in Letters from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Professor at FUMEC University in the graduation in Information Technology and in the Post-Graduate Program in Information Systems and Knowledge Management. Researcher at LAIS - Laboratory for Advanced Information Systems.

  • Prof.ª Dr.ª Marta, FUMEC University

    Post-doctorate in Information and Communication Science at the University Paul Sabatier/IUT/Toulouse III. PhD in Information Science - IBICT/CNPq-ECO-UFRJ with a PhD in Sandwich Sociologie at the Center dÉtudes des Mouvements Sociaux. Master's Degree in Information Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Professor at FUMEC University in the Postgraduate Program in Information Systems and Knowledge Management.


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How to Cite

“Activity Theory in Understanding Information Literacy As a Social Innovation”. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol. 15, Nov. 2021, p. e02129,