Levinas and liberarian socialism
https://doi.org/10.1590/0101-3173.2021.v44n4.07.p79Mots-clés :
Socialisme, An-archie, Judaïsme, Libertaire, LevinasRésumé
In Autrement qu'être Levinas introduces the notion of “an-archy”, not only to refer to an immemorial order of meaning in the trace of the other in oneself, but also in a political sense that claims a disorder or even a power of revolt stemming from the ethical sociality that the experience of the face awakens. Henceforth, the establishment of the order of political meaning no longer makes it possible to embrace or exhaust the sociality resulting from this intersubjective experience. In this anarchic demand for the sociality of the human Levinas thus joins some presupositions of socialism and libertarian Judaism in Europe. It is therefore a question of identifying possible points of raprochement and crossroads, which will apear in a way that is often unexpected for certain Levinassian orthodoxy.
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