Moral ordination of the world and justification of existence in Schopenhauer’s metaphysics




Arthur Schopenhauer, Metaphysics, Philosophical Pessimism, Moral Ordinance of World, Justification of Existence


Arthur Schopenhauer is known as the thinker of “philosophical pessimism”. It means, in general lines, the doctrine that presents a certain worldview, but in its more basic sense, it questions the possibility of giving a meaning to the whole of existence: is there “justification” (Rechtfertigung) for the existence? By answering this question the German philosopher develops his “metaphysics of the will” and, as its unfolding, his theory of “redemption” (Erlösung), or soteriology. However, the “philosopher of pessimism” also asserts in his work that there is a “moral ordinance of world” (moralische Weltordnung) and a “moral meaning of existence” (moralische Bedeutung des Daseyns), which seems to go on the opposite direction of what is claimed by the “pessimism”. The present paper analyses the sense of the notions of moral ordinance of world and justification of existence in Schopenhauer’s thought, in order to demonstrate how far moral meaning of life and philosophical pessimismo interact in his thought.

Recebido: 18/09/2017
Aceito: 29/06/2019

Author Biography

  • Wander Andrade de Paula, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)

    Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES). Possui Graduação (Bacharelado e Licenciatura), Mestrado, Doutorado e Pós-Doutorado em Filosofia pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), tendo sido o Doutorado desenvolvido em parceria com a Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald (Alemanha), e o Pós-Doutorado em parceria com a Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (Holanda). É membro do Grupo Crítica e Modernidade (CriM), da UNICAMP, e do Grupo Crítica e Subjetividade, da UFES. Tem experiência na área de Filosofia, com ênfase em História da Filosofia, Ética e Filosofia alemã do séc. XIX, especialmente Arthur Schopenhauer e Friedrich Nietzsche.


KEY-WORDS: Arthur Schopenhauer. Metaphysics. Philosophical Pessimism. Moral Ordinance of World. Justification of Existence.


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Recebido: 18/09/2017 - Aceito: 29/06/2019


2020-03-30 — Updated on 2022-07-13



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How to Cite

Moral ordination of the world and justification of existence in Schopenhauer’s metaphysics. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 43(1), 255-282.