The event of a true life: the philosophy of François Jullien and the Christian resource


  • David Solís-Nova Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción


Jullien, Christianity, Resource, Encounter, Event



The thought of François Jullien has made valuable contributions to contemporary philosophy, primarily by enriching the interpretation of certain classic themes through the uniqueness of ancient Chinese wisdom. This approach has revealed aspects that Western philosophy, with its metaphysics focused on being, has overlooked. Among these aspects, Jullien has drawn attention to how a series of resources of what could be called 'Christian thought' have remained unthought-of, at least from a philosophical perspective. The central question of this research is whether this Christian logic represents just another resource, among several, that Jullien has utilized in his intellectual work, or if it also constitutes one of the fundamental sources of his own work and the beginnings of possible de-coincidence from the philosophy of being. The conclusions indicate a notable and indispensable presence of these Christian notions in his argumentative proposal, albeit without resorting to faith. This study will begin by reviewing the main theses of the French philosopher and, at the same time, will describe how he has been relating and discussing them with Christian doctrine.

thought of François Jullien has made valuable contributions to contemporary philosophy, primarily by enriching the interpretation of certain classic themes through the uniqueness of ancient Chinese wisdom. This approach has revealed aspects that Western philosophy, with its metaphysics focused on being, has overlooked. Among these aspects, Jullien has drawn attention to how a series of resources of what could be called 'Christian thought' have remained unthought-of, at least from a philosophical perspective. The central question of this research is whether this Christian logic represents just another resource, among several, that Jullien has utilized in his intellectual work, or if it also constitutes one of the fundamental sources of his own work and the beginnings of possible de-coincidence from the philosophy of being. The conclusions indicate a notable and indispensable presence of these Christian notions in his argumentative proposal, albeit without resorting to faith. This study will begin by reviewing the main theses of the French philosopher and, at the same time, will describe how he has been relating and discussing them with Christian doctrine.

Author Biography

  • David Solís-Nova, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción

    Doctor en Filosofía, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Concepción – Chile. ORCID:


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Recibido: 18/08/2023 – Aprobado: 19/10/2023 – Publicado: 27/02/2024



How to Cite

The event of a true life: the philosophy of François Jullien and the Christian resource. (2024). Trans/Form/Ação, 47(3), e0240086.