Can culture evolve?


  • Paulo Abrantes UnB



Cultural evolution, Darwinian populations, Cultural selection, Cultural populations, Dual inheritance theory, Memetics


The paper starts with a distinction between kinds of description that can be proposed for a populational dynamics, including a ‘Darwinian’ description, in terms of variation, inheritance and differential fitness, engaging the entities that make up the relevant population. It follows with a categorization of different kinds of cultural populations and an investigation of the most general conditions that have to be fulfilled for an evolutionary and Darwinian dynamics to take place in those populations, especially in the population comprised by the cultural traits themselves. We make salient some approaches to the evolution in the human lineage, such as dual inheritance theory and memetics, that place cultural evolution at the center of their scenarios. In this way, those approaches contribute to the development of a general theory of cultural evolution, and we compare them, in this respect, with other approaches. Those confrontations grant also illustrations of the analogies between biological evolution and cultural evolution, as well as failures in the analogy.

Author Biography

  • Paulo Abrantes, UnB

    Professor titular aposentado da Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasília, DF – Brasil. ORCID:


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Recebido: 12/08/2023

Aceito: 19/12/2022

