Sketches for the creation of a notion of “philosophical practice”


  • Moscoso Flores Pedro Eduardo Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez



Philosophical practice, Materialisms, Methodology, Affects, Creation


This text seeks to introduce a question related to the place that philosophy occupies within the contemporary scene, thus opening a problematization regarding whether or not it is capable of responding to the demands imposed on it by the present. In this regard, we propose to rethink the notion of philosophy from a standpoint that rescues its practical, material and affective dimensions, making visible the transformative impulse that it can have with respect to the usual meanings associated with disciplinary production, linked to the traditional division between theory and practice, thus opening it to a dimension that recognizes the implicating (creative, interventional) role that philosophy has in the production of reality.


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Recibido: 08/4/2022 - Aceptado: 13/6/2022


2023-01-09 — Updated on 2023-01-18



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How to Cite

PEDRO EDUARDO, Moscoso Flores. Sketches for the creation of a notion of “philosophical practice”. Trans/Form/Ação, Marília, SP, v. 46, n. 01, p. 213–230, 2023. DOI: 10.1590/0101-3173.2023.v46n1.p213. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.