Self as a people:

community in the thought of m. Heidegger




Self. Alterity. Community. People. Heidegger.


The present analysis aims at a synthetic but finished description of the phenomenon of alterity in M. Heidegger's thought, first addressing the double treatment that is given to this in Being and time as otherness and community, as well as the subsequent development and deepening that it experienced in the 1930s hand in hand with the concept of people. Two central questions guide this writing: the first is that due to the methodical necessity that determines the people as the broadest possible form of the human community and the second one that seeks to determine to what degree the Volk is a community characterized by a true openness to the Other.

Author Biography

  • Daniel Michelow, Universität Heidelberg

    2004 - Universidad de Chile: Lic. en filosofía

    2016 - Universität Heidelberg: Dok. Philosophie


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Recebido: 03/12/2020 - Aceito: 03/3/2021


2021-10-22 — Updated on 2022-07-04



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How to Cite

Self as a people: : community in the thought of m. Heidegger. (2022). Trans/Form/Ação, 44(4), 105-122.