What do we know about the perpetrators of sexual homicide of adult victims? A systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis


  • Maria Vitória Barros Moreira aFaculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Alfenas. Alfenas (MG), Brasil.
  • Tamires França Visoto aFaculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Alfenas. Alfenas (MG), Brasil.
  • Priscilla Rayanne E. Silva Noll bDepartamento de Educação, Instituto Federal Goiano—Campus Ceres, Ceres, Goiás, Brasil
  • Jefferson Drezett cDepartamento de Saúde, Ciclos de Vida e Sociedade. Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo (SP), Brasil. Disciplina de Saúde Sexual, Reprodutiva e Genética Populacional. Faculdade de Medicina do ABC. Santo André (SP), Brasil.



Palabras clave:

homicide, Sex Offenses, sadism, criminal psychology, crime victims


Introduction: sexual homicide is defined as lethal violence associated with sexual elements or motivations, predominantly perpetrated by men against women. Despite being a less frequent crime, there is a growing clinical and forensic interest in its specificities and the characteristics of the aggressor.

Objective: to review the scientific literature on men who commit sexual homicide against adult victims.

Methods: systematic review with MeSH ((“Sex Offenses”[Mesh]) AND “Homicide”[Mesh]) in the databases of MEDLINE, LILACS, MENDELEY and SciELO, between 1992 and 2023. The PICO strategy was used with the studied population (male sexual offenders), intervention (homicide of adult victims), context (sexual violence), and outcome (potential relationship between the issues). The stages of article selection and analysis involved two independent researchers. Original studies were included, excluding reviews, editorials, conference proceedings, books and chapters, theses, and dissertations. The selected articles were presented through qualitative meta-synthesis.

Results: of the 70 selected articles, 66 articles (94.2%) adopted quantitative methods, 2 (2.9%) qualitative design, and 2 (2.9%) case reports. We found 41 articles (58.6%) conducted in North America and 22 articles (31.4%) in Europe, totaling 63 articles (90.0%). Another five articles (7.1%) were from Asia, one (1.4%) from Africa, and one (1.4%) from Oceania. In 52 articles (74.3%), there was an emphasis on aspects related to psychiatric, behavioral, or psychological disorders of the perpetrator, sexual sadism, or forms of sexual violence or lethal outcomes employed.

Conclusion: sexual homicidal men possess characteristics that set them apart from other homicidal offenders or those who commit sexual violence, directing their crimes towards a heterogeneous group of adult victims. Studies have focused on the psychiatric and behavioral disorders of the perpetrator, as well as the relationship with traumatic experiences in childhood.


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