Early diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy and prophylaxis of diabetic foot




Palabras clave:

diabetes mellitus, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic angiopathy, diabetic vascular diseases, diabetic feet, neuropathy


Introduction: the diabetic foot is one of the most serious complications of diabetes mellitus. About 50% of non-traumatic amputations occur in these patients. In addition, it is an important public health problem and constitutes a chronic and complex metabolic disorder that is characterized by impaired metabolism of glucose and other complications in essential organs for the maintenance of life.

Objective: to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of diabetic neuropathy using the Michigan self-assessment and physical examination in type 1 and type 2 diabetics.

Methods: this is a cross-sectional study. The “Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instruments” classification was used to assess the degree of peripheral neuropathy, in which participants answered the questionnaire and were evaluated for the presence of foot lesions. All participants were stratified by the risk of developing foot ulcers according to the IWGDF protocol.

Results: the sample had 200 participants. Regarding the IWGDF classification, 23 patients were classified as moderate risk (11.50%) and 61 as high risk for developing foot ulcers (30.50%). Using a cutoff of 2.5 on the physical examination score to diagnose neuropathy, a sensitivity of 97.62% and a specificity of 47.41% were obtained. Using a score greater than or equal to 6 in the self-assessment for the diagnosis of neuropathy, a sensitivity of 50.00% and a specificity of 94.83% were found.

Conclusion: the association of the Michigan physical examination (high sensitivity) with self-assessment (high specificity) increases the accuracy for the diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy.


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