Cannabis: from plant condemned by prejudice to one of the greatest therapeutic options of the century


  • Adriana Ferreira Grosso Incor FMUSP



Cannabis sativa, Cannabinoids, Endocannabinoid System, CBD, Therapeutic option


Cannabis sativa has a fascinating history and has been used by mankind for millennia. Many societies such as Greek, Roman, Chinese, African, Indian and Arabic take advantage of the plant's qualities, which are consumed as food, medicine, fuel, fibers or tobacco. The first reference found related to the therapeutic use of the plant data from 2700 B.C. and is present in the pharmacopoeia of the Chinese Emperor Shen-Nung, where this plant was recommended in the treatment of malaria, rheumatic pain, in irregular and painful menstrual cycles. The book “De Matéria Médica”, written by the doctor Pedânio Dioscórides considered thefounder of pharmacology, exposes  Cannabis as one of the natural substances that can relieve inflammatory pain. In Brazil,  African slaves  brought a cannabis  during  the colonial period, around 1549. Then, its use spread quickly among black slaves and Indians, who started to cultivate it. Once the plant was popularized among French intellectuals and English doctors in the Indian imperial army, it started to be considered in our country as an excellent medicine for men, until it was suppressed by the police authorities in the 1930s. Only 60 years later important findings were highlighted  around  Cannabis  with the System Endocannabinoid and its receptors, neurotransmitters such as anandamide and 2-AG, revolutionizing the understanding of molecular signaling that modulates pain and analgesia, inflammation, appetite, gastrointestinal motility and sleep cycles, immune cell activity and  hormones among others.We are in front of  a huge revolution in the therapeutic area, in which phytocabinoids represent one of the great therapeutic options of the century. We need a widespread disclosure that CBD is not marijuana and that its use for recreational purpose has nothing to do with the use of medical cannabis. Scientific research is seriously committed to the use of the substance in various pathologies. The role of information is absolute, being  the main tool to clarify a society.

Author Biography

  • Adriana Ferreira Grosso, Incor FMUSP

    Especialista em Pesquisa Clínica e Medical Afairs pela Santa Casa de SP

    Doutora em Cardiologia


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