Analysis of labeling infant’s formulas to children allergic to the protein in cow’s milk


  • Francisca Alanna Caroline Timbó Freitas Nutricionista, Centro Universitário UNINTA, Sobral, Ceará 62020-000, Brasil
  • Francisco Valdicélio Ferreira Nutricionista, Mestrando em Biotecnologia Universidade Federal do Ceara, Sobral, Ceará 62020-000, Brasil
  • Edilayne Gomes Boto Nutricionista, Centro Universitário UNINTA, Sobral, Ceará 62020-000, Brasil
  • Mauro Vinicius Dutra Girão Biólogo, Mestre em Engenharia de Pesca, Centro Universitário UNINTA, Sobral, Ceará 62020-000, Brasil



infant care, infant formulas, Infant Care; Infant formula; Food Labeling; Legislation, Food., legislation, Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale


Introduction: breastfeeding is the most effective way to feed the child in the first six months of life exclusively and up to two years as a complementary form, as it provides a healthy development. However, in some situations it is impossible among them in children with food allergies such as Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy (APLV). This condition can be defined as an adverse reaction of the immune system, caused by antigens present in the food that triggers the allergy.

Objective: analyze the information on the labeling of infant formulas for infants with allergies to cow’s milk protein (APLV), sold in pharmacies in Sobral/CE.

Methods: cross-sectional, exploratory, quantitative and qualitative study. After data collection, the labels were analyzed based on a check list composed by the current legislation in accordance with RDC 45/2011, measuring the number of adjustments and inadequacies.

Results: of the seven formulas analyzed, five were 100% adequate, when considering all the provisions that made up the check list. Of these were FAB-1 B, FAB-1 C, FAB-1 E, FAB-1 F, FAB-2 A, they were all in accordance with the dimensions established by RDC 45/2011, it is already in relation to formulas with inadequacy we observed that FAB-1 A was 2.22% in dimension two in which the micronutrient riboflavin was above the recommended range and FAB-1 D was 2.22% in dimension two, the carbohydrate macronutrient above the recommended range. In view of this, what we observed was that most of the formulas analyzed were within the labeling standards specified in Resolution RDC 45/2011, despite the many regulatory standards that govern the labeling and marketing of infant foods, it was realized that there is still a need for regulation stricter in this regard so that the legislation is fully complied with.

Conclusion: according to what was evaluated about formulas for infants with APLV in relation to the labeling standards of the current legislation, some inadequacies were found. Therefore, this study showed a greater number of non-conformities in relation to the essential characteristics of composition and quality, despite the many regulatory standards that govern the labeling and marketing of infant foods, it is clear that they are still not fully complied with. It was found that we still need to evolve in the Elaboration, execution and inspection of the labels of formulas for infants with Allergy to Cow’s Milk Protein (APLV), in order to minimize these non-conformities and offer the best food within the recommended standard, however these studies are necessary in order to better show and discuss the legislation referring to these products.


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