Perceptions of sex workers about the care received in the health care context


  • Beatriz Guerta Pastori aUniversidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM), Uberaba, MG, Brasil.
  • Andrei Biliato Colmanetti bUniversidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM), Uberaba, MG, Brasil
  • Cláudia de Azevedo Aguiar UFTM Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro



Sex Workers, Delivery of Health Care, Unified Health System, Collective Subject Discourse


Introduction: sex workers are configured as a historically marginalized group for deviate of the moral and social behavior pattern dictated by conservative dogmas on which Brazil was built. Such exclusion is also expressed in public health policies, where the group is mentioned only in actions and programs aimed at sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which violates basic principles proposed by SUS (Brazilian Unified Health System). This paper aims to analyze the care received in the context of health care from the perspective of sex workers.

Methods: this is a descriptive and exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, that have as referential of analysis the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD), built from a half-structured interview realized with the group in question and a socioeconomic questionnaire. The DSC is a method that assemble opinions and individual expressions in a unique testimony, written in first person singular, that gives voice to this collectivity. The collect was helped by community health agents of Family Health Unit that includes the brothel’s territory.

Results and Discussion: were interviewed 22 sex workers, being 19 cis woman and 3 trans woman, most of whom in a situation of social vulnerability – brown or black, little schooling and low rent. The speeches identified the existence of health care that does not meet the specific demands of this population, in addition to the presence of fragmented care and focused on sexual and gynecological health. The trans or cis interviewed, moreover, strong resistance to gender identity and respect for the social name by the team. In addition, there were expressions of fear in revealing the profession during medical appointment, due to the stigma and preconception that fell on them. Even so, these professionals understand that their health needs are met in SUS, which connotes a resigned view of the gaps in the care network, requiring specific health actions, programs and policies for this population.

Final Considerations: the sex workers are a society’s cutout that suffer daily with stigma on their pattern of sexual behavior, living an important condition of social vulnerability. This reflects on fear to seek medical services and to reveal their profession, resulting in gaps on the access and right to health in this population. It is necessary, therefore, creation of health programs and policies specifics and requalification of the health teams for the management of this patients. 


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