The NITCHS and Education: dialogues about human formation and technlogy in the present days




Technologies, Classroom, Person


This article presents a problematization about the formation of teachers considering the need to think not only the role of technologies in the school environment but, and above all, the human value present in this relation. The use of mobile technologies alone is not the guarantee for the success expected in classrooms to happen, it takes more than that, motivation and proper training for teachers is essential. In addition to technical knowledge about the use of technological instruments, it is important that teachers consider that the current public of schools, known as digital natives, are part of a new configuration of students and respect their culture, history and social interaction should also be part of teacher training topics. For this, we conducted a research, using a research tool containing open questions to a group of high school students in order to identify how occur the activities in groups guided by the teacher as a home activity. The result shows that face-to-face interactions are still present and valued by digital natives, which helps to think pedagogical practices in which technologies are present.

Recebido em: 30/10/2019.
Aprovado em: 09/03/2020.

Author Biography

  • Sergio Vale da Paixão, Instituto Federal do Paraná

    Pós doutor em Letras (UEM); doutor em Psicologia pela UNESP; professor do IFPR - campus Jacarezinho.


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How to Cite

The NITCHS and Education: dialogues about human formation and technlogy in the present days. (2020). Educação Em Revista, 21(01), 25-40.