Trends and issues of E-Learning in LIS-education in India
a pragmatic perspective
DOI: clave:
E-Learning, Web-Based Components, Indian Initiatives, Distance Learning Programs, Internet, Pedagogy.Resumen
E-Learning is as an approach to instruction and learning that utilize Information and communication technologies to communicate and collaborate in an educational milieu. This includes technological expertise that supplements traditional classroom training with web-based components and learning environments where the educational process is experienced online. This paper reflects the importance of e-learning in higher education with its extent and growth in Indian LIS education. Some of the major Indian initiatives and the target segments covered by the online education have also been detailed in this article. Emphasizes the importance of perception in relation of information technologies and communication, so that futures leaders will be better prepared regarding these technologies. The paper presents future perspective in relation to e-learning in India, where demand within higher education is no different from that seen in developed countries. The e-learning was being considered useful only for distance learning programs. But no one can deny the fact that e-learning is the most innovative application of the Internet and it has done wonders globally and currently is achieving education classroom as well.
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