Latin American scientific production in information metric studies
bibliometric analysis from 2011 to 2016
Metric Studies of Information, Latin America, Scientific Productio, Impact, VisibilityAbstract
This research aims to analyze the visibility and international impact of Latin American scientific papers in ?? Metric Studies of Information published from 2011 to 2016. It identifies the most productive countries, the journals that disseminated this research, the intensity of their scientific impact, and characterizes the scope of citations received at the national, regional and global level by applying citer analysis. As a research procedure, 1,115 papers were retrieved from the Scopus database, with at least one author from Latin America We focused on 1,107 papers produced by the 10 most productive. We identified 474 journals that published these papers. The journal core comprises 20 journals responsible for the dissemination of 380 (34%) of the paper corpus. Cluster analysis was used to understand the relationships among the 10 most productive countries. In order to verify the range of the science produced by the countries analyzed, country-based citer analysis was used. The cluster analysis revealed three groups of more homogenous countries regarding the volume and impact of research production and two isolated countries - Brazil and Peru. We concluded that the Latin American research is carried out by half of these countries, especially Brazil, accounting for more than half of this production.
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