Information institutionalized and materialized as document

conceptual articulations and paths




Information, Materiality, Institutionality, Document, Scientific Investigation Program, Imre Lakatos


This research poses questions regarding paths and how to make it possible to build concepts on information materiality and institutionality as phenomena concerning transforming object into document. It aims to: a) build fundaments, b) synthetize paths to investigate phenomena; and c) build a framework of conceptual articulations on information materialized and institutionalized as document. This was achieved by means of review of literature; establishing interdisciplinary; and epistemological and political links concerning documentation and information sciences. The research employed, in addition, Imre Lakatos’ theoretical-methodological elements as subsidies for the proposition of an investigation program, structuring the planning and articulation of theoretical-methodological choices. Counting on contributions from works by Habermas, Foucault, Weber, and Bourdieu, such choices pass through fundaments of “claims to validation, discursive practices, and political horizons;” of “sociocultural, symbolic-bureaucratic and political materiality of information;” of “object-support and materiality of informational actions and practices;” and of “epistemological and political contexts — materiality/institutionality/representation.” Conceptual articulations and paths culminated in the core of the program, from which one can observe document as informational value attributed to the object, i.e. a product of signification or of the function attributed to a thing in a given institutionality. Thus, documental materiality transcends physicality of information on a support, as every document: (a) represents something and can be represented; and (b) is a symbolic expression of power/knowledge. Finally, the document is a product of social practices and actions, defined by institutionalities of information with access and conditions to act conditioned by perspectives of materiality.


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How to Cite

“Information Institutionalized and Materialized As Document: Conceptual Articulations and Paths”. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol. 13, no. 2, June 2019, pp. 5-25,