The Gender and sexuality subjects

thematic representation in the systems SophiA/National Library and Pergamum/UFPE




Gender, Sexuality, Gender Identity, Knowledge representation, Information retrieval systems


This paper presents a comparative analysis on the thematic representation of the subjects Gender and Sexuality between the SophiA system, from the National Library – BN, and the Pergamum system, from the Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE. The objective of the research was to analyze comparatively how the subjects Gender and Sexuality are being represented in the BN and UFPE systems. The justification is based on the proposal of an adequate representation of the subjects Gender and Sexuality, so that the search and recovery are more precise in both SophiA/BN and Pergamum/UFPE, by the users of that domain. The research was characterized as descriptive, with comparative, qualitative and inductive characteristics; it is a case study that was meant to understand and interpret if the terms that were attributed to certain titles of the theme fit efficiently to the subjects that are actually treated by them. The investigative corpora were collected in two stages: a) from the search for the subjects "Gender Identity", "Sexuality" and "Gender and Sexuality" in SophiA/BN, a list was created of the titles found in relation to the subject in scope national level, from 2010 to 2014; b) the titles retrieved in SophiA/BN were searched in the Pergamum/UFPE, generating a second list – of the titles that were found; thus, the works resulting from these two filtrations, that is, those found in both collections, had their terms analyzed comparatively in conjunction with the terms that were extracted from the titles themselves and respective copies. After analyzing and discussing the results, it was concluded that the subjects Gender and Sexuality are not being adequately explored, either by the SophiA/BN system or by the Pergamum/UFPE system, raising questions about the importance of the indexing specificity of those subjects and the professional ethics needed in this process to promote access to information.


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Author Biographies

  • Fabio Assis Pinho, Federal University of Pernambuco

    Associate Professor of the Department of Information Science teaching in the bachelor's course of Library Science, of Information Management, and of the Graduate School of Information Science at the Federal University of Pernambuco (Recife, Brazil). He has bachelor's degree (2002) in Library and Information Science at the Federal University of São Carlos, master's degree (2006) and doctor's degree (2010) in Information Science at the São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquista Filho.

  • Letícia Alves Félix de Melo, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

    Bacharela em Biblitoeconomia pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.

  • Jéssica Pereira de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

    Bacharela em Biblioteconomia e Mestranda em Ciência da Informação pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.


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How to Cite

“The Gender and Sexuality Subjects: Thematic Representation in the Systems SophiA National Library and Pergamum UFPE”. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol. 13, no. 2, June 2019, pp. 36-47,