Electronic Government and political participation in the websites of the members of the Legislative Assembly from the state of Bahia





Electronic Government, Environment Web, TICs, Political Participation, Information Democratization, Information Access, Legislative Assembly of the State of Bahia (ALBA).


The information and communication technologies potentiate, from the Internet, a space to the discussion and political deliberation, approaching citizens and governments through interactive resources such as e-mails, forums, on-line ombudsman, chats and others. It is observed this way, the growing effort and investment of the governments and political representatives in organizing, managing, available information of public interest at the web, constituting the electronic government. Thus, the goal of this article intends to investigate the conditions of political participation of the citizens from the interactive tools available in the websites of the members from the state of Bahia. With a descriptive character, this research searched to identify only the sites of the members registered in Legislative Assembly from the state of Bahia (ALBA). In the tabulation of data, it was adapted the fourth level of the form: Level of participation of the citizens: the Evaluation School – proposed by Marques (2007) to a sheet in the software Excel and, to the discussion of them, used the analysis quali-quantitative. The results of this research show the incipient state of the website of the members from the state of Bahia to the opportunities of political participation in the web, lying to the principles which govern the electronic government. This work presents part of the studies which will help the project of research in developed by the present author in the Program of Pos Graduation in Information Science of the Universidade Federal da Bahia (PPGCI/UFBA).


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Author Biography

  • José Carlos Sales dos Santos, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)

    Mestrando em Ciência da Informação - PPGCI/UFBA - Linha de Pesquisa: Políticas, Tecnologias e Usos da Informação (bolsista FAPESB); Pós-Graduado em Gestão da Comunicação Organizacional Integrada - NPGA/EAUFBA e Graduado em Biblioteconomia e Documentação pelo Instituto de Ciências da Informação - ICI/UFBA. Professor convidado da Pós-Graduação da Escola de Administração, Instituto de Ciência da Informação e Faculdade de Farmácia. Possui experiência em Informação, Participação Política e Democracia Digital.








How to Cite

“Electronic Government and Political Participation in the Websites of the Members of the Legislative Assembly from the State of Bahia”. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol. 3, no. 1, June 2010, https://doi.org/10.36311/1981-1640.2009.v3n1.05.p59.

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