The Hypervelocity in Social Networks

philosophical and informational perspectives




Information Society, Transparency Society, Fatigue Society, Social networking


This is a theoretical study whose research question is how does the hypervelocity of information circulation in social networks establish a new informational subject? The objective is to embark on a theoretical discussion on the subject and characterize this new informational subject, based on the concepts of global village, by Marshall McLuhan (1994), of positivity, tiredness and transparency by Byung-Chul Han (2017a, 2017b), to understand the phenomenon of hypervelocity of the dissemination and reproduction of information and its reverse, disinformation. The research universe took into account the tools and mechanics of the digital social networks Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, in addition to the We are social and Hootsuite report, from 2022. It was possible to perceive that the dynamics of these networks brings a new relationship between people and information. Hypervelocity, fatigue, the need to be in evidence in these networks causes not only suffering, but also difficulty in apprehending information and not being constantly in these spaces, giving opinions, interacting, in a transparent and unreflective way.


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How to Cite

“The Hypervelocity in Social Networks: Philosophical and Informational Perspectives”. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol. 17, Oct. 2023, p. e023044,