Análise de Termos dos Títulos Publicados nos Anais do XXI ENANCIB por meio do Software NVivo




Termos, Frequência, Similaridade, Comunicação Científica


The general objective of the research was to analyze the efficiency in the extraction of terms through the NVIVO software. Among the specific objectives, we sought to identify the most frequent terms contained in the titles of the Working Groups (WGs), as well as to compare them to those extracted from WG7 - Production and Communication of Information in Science, Technology & Innovation. Another objective was to analyze clusters by similarity between the terms contained in the titles. For the treatment of empirical data, the following steps were carried out: a) pre-analysis, selection and preparation of the material; corpora construction; b) exploration of the material – coding techniques; term extraction; and c) treatment of results – statistical operations; interpretation, description and analysis. The most frequent terms in all GTs were “information, “analysis”, “science”, “knowledge” and “management”. The terms of GT7 most frequently were “science”, “analysis”, “information”, “production” and “co-authorship”. The term with the greatest impact in GT7 was “production”, which represented 46.1% of the total attendance. The greatest similarity between the terms occurred with the titles of the GTs: 5 and 8; 2 and 7 and; 3 and 6. Extraction of terms using the NVIVO software is ineffective for in-depth analyses, as the results are presented in unigram format and may be out of context when analyzed individually.


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Author Biography

  • Marcos de Souza, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

    Ph.D. in Knowledge Management and Organization from the Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG, has a post-graduate degree in Cognition and Language from Universidade Estadual Norte Fluminense - UENF; post-graduate degree in: Informatics in Education by the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo - IFES; Teaching of Higher Education by the University Center São Camilo - Espírito Santo - CeUSC; Application Development for WEB by the Center for Higher Education of Juiz de Fora - CESJF; Graduated in Information Systems by the University Center São Camilo - Espírito Santo - CeUSC.



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How to Cite

“Análise De Termos Dos Títulos Publicados Nos Anais Do XXI ENANCIB Por Meio Do Software NVivo”. Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, vol. 17, Jan. 2023, p. e023003,