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Author Guidelines

Log in to the journal's system using the ORCID link. ORCID is a mandatory item for registration and publication in the journal. It is a number generated by an international non-profit organization and allows the correct identification of researchers and authors. If you have not yet registered, take advantage of the ORCID link and complete your registration. In this way, your data will be automatically filled in.

 Articles must used the format of the BRAJIS template, that is based on MLA 8 th.  BRAJIS Template 

Each item of the article, including titles, sections, tables, references and citations, must be configured in the template with styles. They are named "BJ: xxx" to facilitate their identification.

The template, including references and citations, is based on the Style Manual of the Modern Language Association - MLA 8 th.
Submissions must have a minimum of 6,000 and a maximum of 12,000 words.
Articles must be written in proper English, Portuguese or Spanish. Metadata, including title, keywords, summary, must be presented in two languages, English being one of them.
The journal does not accept papers with low writing, spelling errors and / or grammatical errors. The authors are responsible for spelling and grammatical correction, style correction and translation, when applicable.
Articles submitted in English whose authors are native, acceptance will be conditioned to the sending of a declaration that the article has been reviewed by a professional or native speaker in English.
We recommend consulting the PROPETIPS series, which contains guidance on various aspects of preparing the original for publication, including metadata, writing abstracts and choosing keywords, among others that can greatly help the authors.
The works must be original, that is, they cannot have been previously published in another vehicle.
BRAJIS 'conduct towards authors and reviewers is based on  Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines.  The author must be aware that any violation of copyright, intellectual property laws and codes of ethics are unacceptable and prohibited in this magazine. In this way, all articles are analyzed using the Turnitin software for this.
In the indication of the authors, it is recommended to include the names of those who actually contributed to the research that gave rise to the article. Contributions must consider the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy), which defines the following types of contributions:

Data curation
Formal Analysis
Funding acquisition
Project administration

Writing – original draft
Writing – review & editing

The order of the authors in the body of the article will obey the order in which they were inserted in the metadata, therefore, we request special attention in relation to this aspect.
At least one of the authors must have PHD degree. In exceptional cases, and at the discretion of the editorial committee, articles by master authors may be accepted provided that: a) the author is a professor at a higher education institution and / or has publications in scientific journals arbitrated in his / her specialty area and b) exceptional quality of the article is confirmed by the reviewers. 
In addition to the full name, the author (s) affiliation is a mandatory item and must be indicated in full. Also mandatory items are the indication of the ORCID of all authors and a brief (01 paragraph) on the biography of the author (s).
References included in the metadata must be standardized according to the journal's standards (MLA 8th), separated by a line between them and including the DOI of the article.

Following the guidelines of Open Science, BRAJIS encourages its authors to share all the data that were used in the preparation of the manuscript, making them available in institutional repositories, when possible in full and inform the location. To ensure full transparency of the data obtained, the journal requests that the author (s) declare that, for data not made available or deposited in public repositories, these should be available upon request.

Following the guidelines of Open Science, BRAJIS encourages its authors to share all the data that were used in the preparation of the manuscript, making them available in institutional repositories, when possible in full and inform the location. To ensure full transparency of the data obtained, the journal requests that the author (s) declare that, for data not made available or deposited in public repositories, these should be available upon request.

Following the guidelines of Open Science, from 2021 BRAJIS encourages its authors to share all the data that were used in the preparation of the manuscript, making them available in institutional repositories, if possible in full, and informing their location in the body. of submission. There is also the possibility of submitting the research data together with the article in the journal's system as an item "Data set". BRAJIS requests that in case the data is not deposited in public repositories, the author(s) declare that they will be available upon request.


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The abstract and its English or Spanish version must be informative and the keywords indicated must be representative of the theme of the article.
  • The names of ALL authors and co-authors must be included in the submission process. The inclusion of new authors will not be allowed, especially after the submission is approved.
  • The order of the authors in the metadata must be the same in which the authors must appear in the body of the article, in case it is approved for publication.
  • The content of the article must be included (pasted) in the journal's Template file, which is available in the Guidelines for Authors. The styles provided in the Template must be used to format for each part of the text. Submissions that are not in the template will not be accepted.
  • The article must be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx), OpenDocument Text (.ODT) or Rich Text Format (.RTF).
  • All authors must have read the journal's publication policy and are in agreement.
  • All metadata must be filled in correctly in English and also Portuguese or Spanish, in the specific fields, in particular: ORCID of each author, email for contact, full author affiliation, indication of the country of origin.
  • To guarantee the Blind Peer Review evaluation, ALL identification data of the authors must be removed from the first page of the article, the footer, as well as from the file properties.


Objective informs the results of an original research that still was not published in another vehicle of communication - 15 to 25 pages, including references, tables and graphic


In this section, versions in Portuguese or Spanish of classic or fundamental texts related to the broad field of Information Science and sub-areas, such as Archivology, Librarianship and Museology, originally published in English, will be accepted.

Book Reviews

The BJIS publishes book reviews of recently published of Information Science area. 03 to 05 pages.

Privacy Statement

Privacy policy of BRAJIS is based on the principles of its commitment to transparency and respect of the relationship among authors, reviewers and visitors, using the journal's website. The BRAJIS complies the privacy principles and observes the transparency, security, data integrity and information access.