Humanitarian relief and market interests: Genetically Modified Organisms in the United States food aid


  • Thiago Lima UFPB
  • Erbenia Lourenço PGPCI/UFPB; INCT-INEU
  • Henrique Zeferino de Menezes UFPB



Food Aid; Genetically Modified Organisms; Food Crisis


In 2002, Southern Africa was struck by a severe food crisis. Despite the hardships, some nations of this region refused food aid from the US due to the presence of Genetically Modified Organisms. They claimed that the food was unsafe for their population’s consumption. The paper addresses the main reasons for the US donation of GMOs. Based on documental analysis, congressional hearings and literature review, we argue that although the donations may have the intention of helping the emergency problems of these African and Latin American countries, the food aid also promotes US market interests, disregarding public health conceptions and economic interests of those countries.



Recebido em: setembro/2019

Aprovado em: dezembro/2019


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Como Citar

Humanitarian relief and market interests: Genetically Modified Organisms in the United States food aid. Brazilian Journal of International Relations, Marília, SP, v. 9, n. 1, p. 23–41, 2020. DOI: 10.36311/2237-7743.2020.v9n1.04.p23. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.