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Author Guidelines

  • Revista Práxis e Hegemonia Popular aims to publish articles resulting from studies and scientific research that approach themes from the perspective of Gramscian thought. The scope of the Journal also includes the publication of interviews, experience reports and reviews of national or foreign authors.
  • The Journal receives articles written in Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian for publication, in accordance with the orthographic and grammatical rules of the language in which it was written.
  • The concepts and positions expressed in the published texts are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Editorial Committee. Likewise, the ethical treatment of the research on which the texts are based is the sole responsibility of the authors.
  • The names and addresses provided in this Journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.
  • The Journal defines the 12-month interstice between a publication and a subsequent one for authors and/or co-authors. If two papers are proposed for evaluation by the same authors and/or co-authors, the second will be analyzed only after the interstice period. The exception will apply only to invited authors and/or co-authors.
  • After online submission, no modification of the names of authors and/or co-authors will be allowed.
  • Sending a text authorizes its publication and implies a commitment that it has not been sent to another Journal.
  • In addition to sending the text, it is necessary to post two attached files containing a mini-curriculum of the authors (full name, institution, area of ​​research/preponderant knowledge, postal and e-mail address) and file with the Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright duly completed and signed.
  • Dossier proposals must be sent to the editorial committee by email ( by the organizers (maximum two). It should contain from 7 to 11 articles contemplating the diversity of authors by institution and from at least two geographic regions of the country. Authors from the same institution cannot exceed 30% of the total number of articles proposed. It is mandatory to present at least two foreign articles. The proposal must contain: title of the dossier, a justification and presentation demonstrating the unprecedented nature of the contributions and their relevance to the field of Gramscian knowledge; bring data from authors and/or co-authors with institutional affiliations; article titles. The Editorial Committee will analyze and, if accepted, will request that online submissions and blind peer review evaluations be carried out. The editorial team will only forward articles approved by the evaluators for final editing. The organizer will monitor the editing process, constituting the necessary mediations between the editorial committee and the authors.

Thematic dossier

Thematic dossier- brings together sets of articles and/or essays that address a specific theme, conceived from a proposal received from the academic community or from a call made by the editors. The interest of this section is to offer authors and readers the possibility of approaching a theme or issue in greater depth, from different, original and relevant angles of analysis.

Make a new submission to the Thematic Dossier section.


Articles - gathers articles and bibliographic essays that present results and/or original and relevant reflections for the area.

Make a new submission to the Articles section.


Interviews – gathers information about authors, personalities, popular leaders relevant to the area of knowledge.

Make a new submission to the Interviews section.

Experience Reports

Experience Reports – brings together a set of scientific and experiential experiences that contribute to the scope and area of knowledge of the Journal.

Make a new submission to the Experience Reports section.


Reviews - gathers reviews of books published no more than two years ago in Brazil or in other countries.

Make a new submission to the Reviews section.

Copyright Statement

When submitting articles online, the Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright must be sent as an attached file.

The document grants publication rights to Revista Práxis e Hegemonia Popular and, in case of approval, also to carry out normative and grammatical adjustments with a view to maintaining the standards of the cultured language.

Privacy Policy  

The authors' personal data and any data about the publication will be under the care of the Journal due to the editorial process, and will not be disclosed for other purposes and/or third parties. All information related to the Journal is protected by anti-plagiarism software (TURNITIN).

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another Journal.
  • The article contains at least one of the members with the title of Doctor.
  • The maximum number of three authors in an article. The exception is made for studies that exceed this number, with justification to the editors.
  • All authors and/or co-authors must be registered with ORCID. (
  • The file must be submitted in .DOC extension on A4 format sheet.
  • The article must have a maximum length of 45,000 characters with spaces (including references).
  • Top and left margin of 3 cm; lower and right margin of 2.5 cm.
  • The file must contain: title, abstracts, keywords, body text and references.
  • Words in a foreign language must be written in italics.
  • Title and subtitle of the text: Times New Roman, size 14, uppercase, centered alignment, line spacing 1.15.
  • Title, subtitle and abstract must be written in Portuguese, English and Spanish or Italian.

Dossiê temático

Dossiê temático - reúne conjuntos de artigos e/ou ensaios que abordam uma temática específica, concebidos a partir de proposta recebida da comunidade acadêmica ou de chamada realizada pelos editores. O interesse dessa seção é oferecer aos autores e leitores a possibilidade de abordar um tema ou questão em maior profundidade, a partir de ângulos de análise diferentes, originais e relevantes.


Artigos - reúne artigos e ensaios bibliográficos que apresentem resultados e/ou reflexões originais e relevantes para a área.


Entrevistas – reúne informações sobre autores, personalidades, lideranças populares relevantes para a área do conhecimento.

Relatos de Experiências

Relatos de Experiências – reúne um conjunto de experiências científicas e vivenciais que contribuem para o escopo e área do conhecimento da revista.


Resenhas - reúne resenhas de livros publicados há, no máximo, dois anos no Brasil ou em outros países.

Privacy Statement

The authors' personal data and any data about the publication will be under the care of the Journal due to the editorial process, and will not be disclosed for other purposes and/or third parties. All information related to the Journal is protected by anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin).