About the Journal


Focus and Scope

The Revista Práxis e Hegemonia Popular Journal, published by the International Gramsci Society Brazil (IGS-Brasil) and the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences of the São Paulo State University, Unesp in Marília Campus, aims to gather and disseminate research and other contributions focused on Gramscian thought. It seeks to incorporate research and contributions from Gramscian expressions from all over the national territory and internationally, contemplating the diversity and complexity of this author's thinking. It also seeks to raise debate and reflections on the current political, social and historical reality inspired by Gramscian thought. The Journal will be able to accept other contributions from thinkers in the critical field that dialogue with Gramscian perspectives. IGS-Brasil also seeks to provide authors, reviewers, editorial staff, and editors with an environment that involves knowledge, scientific and academic diversity, internationalization, providing a scientific dissemination of impact and discussion with society.


Contributions that fit the scope and editorial standards of the Journal will be forwarded to two external evaluators in the form of a blind peer review to assess the merits regarding the quality and relevance of the publication. The evaluators may indicate the publication with or without modifications, as well as judge the relevance of the contribution to the Journal. If there is substantial disagreement between the opinions, the contribution will be forwarded to a third reviewer. The selection of proposals for publication will consider the nature of the contribution to the field of Gramscian knowledge and thought, according to the Journal's editorial line, originality, consistency, the theoretical-methodological rigor given to the theme and the appropriate language and corrections of the text. The ethical aspects will also be considered.

The Journal has the following evaluation options:

  • Accept in full
  • Accept with revisions
  • Reformulate and resubmit
  • Reject


Biannual scientific jornal


Qualis B4


Revista Práxis e Hegemonia Popular/ International Gramsci Society. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 1, n. 1, jan./jun. (2016-). Periodicidade semestral, ISSN - 2526-1843. 1. Sociologia - Periódicos. I. International Gramsci Society/IGS/BR


There is no fee of any kind to the user for proposals and editing in Revista Práxis e Hegemonia Popular.


The Revista Práxis e Hegemonia Popular, published by the International Gramsci Society Brazil (IGS-Brasil), seeks to comply with good practices of conduct appropriate to the scientific publishing of Journals. In this sense, the Journal complies with the ethical guidelines and good practices produced by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The prevention of negligence is the responsibility of the editorial team, avoiding unethical actions and attitudes. In addition, all parties involved in the publication process (the authors, the main editor, the editorial board and the evaluators) are committed to complying with these standards of ethical conduct.


In order to expand and diversify the number of participants in the editions, the Journal provides a 12-month interval for authors and/or co-authors, between a subsequent and subsequent edition. The exception will only apply in the case of invited authors and/or co-authors.


  • Online Submission
  • Submission Conditions
  • Guidelines for authors
  • Copyright Statement
  • Privacy policy


The Journal is organized into five sections:

  • Thematic Dossier - brings together sets of articles and/or essays that address a specific theme, conceived from a proposal sent by the academic community or from a call made by the editors. The interest of this section is to offer authors and readers the possibility of approaching a theme or issue in greater depth, from different, original and relevant angles of analysis.
  • Articles - gathers articles and bibliographic essays that present results and/or original and relevant reflections for the area.
  • Translations – brings together contributions already edited in foreign periods and/or books.
  • Interviews – gathers information about authors, personalities, popular leaders relevant to the area of knowledge.
  • Experience Reports – brings together a set of scientific and experiential experiences that contribute to the Journal's scope and area of knowledge.
  • Reviews - gathers reviews of books published no more than two years ago in Brazil or in other countries.


Registration in the system and subsequent access, through login and password, are mandatory for the submission of works, as well as for monitoring the ongoing editorial process. Login to an existing account or Register a new account.

For the proposal to be accepted, the first step is to verify the submission's compliance with all the items listed below. Authors and/or co-authors must exclude their name or any reference to it from the entire body of the text to be submitted, replacing it with “Author”.

- The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another Journal.

- The article contains at least one of the members with the title of Master.

- The maximum number of three authors in an article. The exception is made for studies that exceed this number, with justification to the editors.

- All authors and/or co-authors must be registered with ORCID (https://orcid.org)

- The file must be submitted in .DOC extension in A4 format sheet.

- The article must have a maximum length of 45,000 characters with spaces (including references).

- Top and left margin of 3 cm; lower and right margin of 2.5 cm.

- The file must contain: title, abstracts, keywords, body text and references.

- Words in a foreign language must be written in italics.

- Title and subtitle of the text: Times New Roman, size 14, uppercase, centered alignment, line spacing 1.15.

- Title, subtitle and abstract must be written in Portuguese, English and Spanish or Italian.

Submissions that do not comply with the above rules will be returned to the authors.


The originals must be written in the official orthography and typed in a Word for Windows word processor, in Times New Roman font, size 12, space 1.15, on A4 size sheet. The text volume of the article, including abstracts, notes and references, should not exceed the limit of 45 thousand characters with spaces (including references).

When preparing the original, the following structure should be observed:

  1. The. Title and subtitle of the article in capital letters, font size 14, space 1.15, in bold (up to two lines);
  2. Abstract and keywords: the abstract must not exceed 1,000 characters, including spaces. Keywords, which identify the content of the article, must be a maximum of five, separated by a period (.). For the writing and style of the abstract, observe the guidelines of NBR-6028/2021, from the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT);
  3. Title in English, abstract and keywords;
  4. Título in Spanish, resumen and palabras clave or Titolo in Italian, resume and parole chiave;
  5. Body of the text, throughout which there should be no author identification. If applicable, replace with “Author”;
  6. Tables and figures - must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, in the order in which they were included in the text and headed by their title. Illustrations (photographs, drawings, graphics, etc.) will be considered figures. It is recommended that these elements be produced in black and white, in a maximum size of 14 x 21 cm (Journal standard), presenting, whenever possible, resolution quality (from 600 dpis) for direct reproduction;
  7. References - Must comply with NBR-6023/2018, of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), being ordered alphabetically by the first author's surname;
  8. Footnotes - when they exist, they must be numbered sequentially and placed at the end of the article in size 10.
  9. Identification of references - This must be done in the body of the work, indicating the name(s) of the author(s), year of publication and pagination. Ex.: (OLIVEIRA, 2009, p. 176);
  10. Translation – the proposals will aim to publish texts in Portuguese that fit the scope of the Journal, already published in periodicals and/or books in other language(s). The formatting will follow the PHP rules and template indicating in a footnote the person(s) responsible for the translation. A second note should be inserted, briefly presenting the reasons for the reprint in Portuguese.
  11. Interview – can be sent in Portuguese, English, Spanish or Italian. They must be titled and formatted in the same rules as articles, contain a brief introduction informing data about the interviewee, the nature of the interview and its contribution to the field of knowledge and the Journal, the main axes developed and the interviewer's data or the interviewing team. The body of the interview should comprise the questions and the answers, with the questions highlighted in bold. The size will be limited to five (5) written pages;
  12. Experience report - can be sent in Portuguese, English, Spanish or Italian. It must be titled and formatted in the same rules as articles, contain a brief introduction presenting the research data and its contributions (relevance/justification, objective/s, methodology, analytical treatment, main axes and conclusions), body of the text and research result. The size will be limited to six (6) pages;
  13. Review – is a critical contribution about a publication of books or other scientific publications of relevance in the area of ​​knowledge for the scope of the Journal. The review, in addition to providing a general understanding of the publication, must incorporate critical analysis and demonstrate its importance to the area of ​​knowledge. It must contain title, author and/or co-author, publication presentation containing publication data (authorship, title, publisher, place, year, total pages and ISBN) within a limit of four (4) pages, in the formatting of articles.


The authors' personal data and any data about the publication will be under the care of the Journal due to the editorial process, and will not be disclosed for other purposes and/or third parties. All information related to the Journal is protected by anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin).


Proposals to Revista Práxis e Hegemonia Popular will have a maximum time of 4 months to be evaluated and communicated to the proponent(s).

The magazine Pr'àxis e Hegemonia Popular preserves its contents in the LOCKSS Digital Preservation System of the Cariniana Network of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology - IBICT, through an agreement (technical cooperation agreement) existing with UNESP, University Paulista State "Júlio de Mesquita Filho".