ATTITUDES OF PROFESSIONALS IN THE AREA OF ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN INCLUSIVE SCHOOL EDUCATION AND REGULAR EDUCATIONes of professionals in the area of adapted physical education in inclusive school education and regular education


  • Nathan Silva Barbosa
  • Carlos Henrique Prevital Fileni Faculdade Euclides da Cunha



Inclusion, Physical Education professional, attitudes, Adapted Motor Activity


The inclusion of students with disabilities in regular schools is still a challenge for teachers, especially the insecurity generated by precarious professional training and lack of support structure. Currently in the process of training the Physical Education (PE) professional with their internship experiences or living in the area of Adapted Physical Education (APE), they promote transformations in the professional as personal aspect. The objective of this research was to analyze the attitudes of physical education teachers in relation to inclusive education. A questionnaire containing 48 questions was applied in relation to the professional’s perspective. The sample consisted of 10(ten) professionals of physical education, in the age group of 38.7 (± 8.87) years, being 5 men and 5 women, living in São José do Rio Pardo – SP, Brazil. The results obtained with the present study obtained 5 individuals being completely favorable to inclusion, 3 as a favorable trend and 2 with an indefinite tendency. We can conclude that there is a satisfactory tendency of these professionals being that 8 of them constitute this positive result soon 2 has its indefinite tendencies on the onclusion.


Received on: 06/24/2019
Reformulated on: 06/30/2019
Accepted: 6/30/2019


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