
  • Jessenia Marise Sales Campos Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho
  • Manoel Osmar Seabra Junior Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Presidente Prudente
  • Talita Maria Souza Santos Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Presidente Prudente
  • Luiz Rogerio Romero Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Presidente Prudente



Adaptded Motor Activity, Cerebral palsy, Assistive Technology, Manipulative Skills, Board game


This study aimed to analyze the effects of the board game “Adapted Checkers” on the performance of manipulative skills in a student with cerebral palsy. The study identifies and describes the adaptations of teaching strategies and implementation of the Assistive Technology pedagogical resource. The method used was the single-subject design, in the AB model. The design demonstrates the student's performance in relation to manipulative skills, as dependent variables, and the game of “Adapted Checkers” as an independent variable. The research was divided into the following stages: 1. Choice of game: the board game Checkers was chosen, which met the criteria established in the research and the characteristics of the student with cerebral palsy; 2. Baseline: where the initial data collection began without researcher intervention; 3. Adaptation of the game: the game was adapted based on the specific needs of the participant; 4. Intervention: introduction of strategies and adaptations to the game. The sessions were filmed, and the data were evaluated and recorded in scatter plots. For data analysis, a table of response variables was used, scored from zero to three points. The items evaluated were: 1. Precision of movement; 2. Range of movement; 3. Handgrip ability; and 4. Speed of movement. The participant showed significant progress in all variables through training in the intervention phase, with the resource adaptations. The game of “Adapted Checkers” was shown to be effective in relation to the manipulative skills of the student with cerebral palsy, providing autonomy during the game.

Received: 2024/04/19

Reformulated: 2024/06/03

Accepted: 2024/06/11


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2024-06-14 — Updated on 2024-06-14
