
  • Vinicius Wallace Santos Brito Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco – UNIVASF
  • Iaraildo Pereira de Carvalho Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco – UNIVASF
  • Renata Costa Silva Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco – UNIVASF
  • Jeferson Carvalho Coelho de Gois Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco
  • Juliana Rodrigues Ferreira Andrade Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco – UNIVASF
  • Leonardo Gasques Trevisan Costa Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco




Actividad Motora Adaptada, paracanoagem, análise de desempenho


Paracanoeing is a speed boating sport, practiced by men and women, who seek to cover a distance of 200 meters in the shortest possible time. To generate the propulsion of the vessel and overcome the aerodynamic and hydrodynamic drags, the athletes perform the stroke motor gesture, which consists of bilateral cyclic and symmetrical movements with a two-blade paddle. Since, the motor performance in the modality can be influenced by motor aspects related to rowing and the athlete's ability to produce and maintain high speed indexes. Thus, the objective of the present study was to explore the different ways of quantifying variables through GPS and action camera technologies, as well as programs that systematize this information, being able to transform it into graphs through commonly used statistical programs. With this, it is possible to perform the interpretation and quantification of the variables through technological equipment, GPS and action camera, the data of a volunteer, a beginner athlete of paracanoeing, were analyzed, the speed, paddling index, paddling phases were analyzed ( water and air) and paddling frequency. In this way, the study opens the possibility to use the technique in paracanoeing training programs, with the objective of evaluating the athlete, since through the quantification of the variables it is possible to map the athlete's performance in each variable.

Received: 2024/02/17

Reformulated: 2024/04/23

Accepted: 2024/04/23


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2024-04-29 — Updated on 2024-05-02
