



Adapted Physical Activity, Ableism, Anti-Ableism, Paralympic Games, Media


This essay aims to explore different understandings of the concept of ableism and cite some examples of how the anti-ableist struggle has been expressed in the media context of the Paralympic Games (PG). The international literature has been denouncing two faces of ableism: one that assumes that people with disabilities (PWD) are incapable, and another that they are capable of doing everything and anything. Both reinforce the suffering, prejudice, and discrimination of PWD. The national literature has been focusing more exclusively on the face of incapacity. We analyzed some promotional pieces of the PG in both the United Kingdom and Brazil and analyzed some statements from athletes and productions from journalists and verified the existence of different approaches in the anti-ableist struggle: (1) showing PWD as super-capable and/or super-human; (2) demonstrating the prejudice of people in general against PWD; and (3) showing athletes and PWD in general as any other human beings training and performing their tasks, facing their limitations and the challenges they encounter in their daily lives. As some international activists and researchers warn, the first approach may inadvertently reinforce ableism. It emphasizes the value of certain abilities and fosters beliefs and expectations that PWD are capable of doing anything, which is not always possible. By combating one face of ableism, it can reinforce the other. This reminds us that we need to be alert so that, in our fight against ableism, we do not inadvertently fall into ableist traps.

Received: 2023/03/30

Reformulated: 2023/05/17

Accepted: 2023/05/17


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How to Cite

LANGE DE SOUZA, Doralice; CIDADE, Ruth Eugênia. EXPLORING DIFFERENT FACES OF ABLEISM AND OF THE ANTIABLEISM STRUGGLE: CONSIDERATIONS ON SOME MEDIA DISCOURSES RELATED TO THE PARALYMPIC GAMES. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY FOR ADAPTED MOTOR ACTIVITY, Marília, SP, v. 24, n. 1, p. 143–164, 2023. DOI: 10.36311/2674-8681.2023.v24n1.p143-164. Disponível em: https://revistas.marilia.unesp.br/index.php/sobama/article/view/14437.. Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.