
  • Rosemeire Ribeiro Castilho FEBER Associação Brasileira de Enfermidades Raras
  • Cássia Schiffer Rogero FEBER – Associação Brasileira de Enfermidades Raras
  • Ivaneide Pereira de Souza Silveira FEBER – Associação Brasileira de Enfermidades Raras
  • Denise Elena Grillo FEBER – Associação Brasileira de Enfermidades Raras



Adapted Motor Activity, Nonnan Syndrome, Optometry


The objective of this study is to observe whether interventions in Physical Activities with movements and specific requests for an 11-year-old child with Nonnan syndrome can help to improve the ocular alterations that this child presents. In this case report, an 11-year-old girl with the syndrome, after specific training in Physical Education classes, such as requests for lateral movements, anteroposterior displacements, manipulation of colored objects of different shapes, and exploration of different spaces, observed if the optometric alterations, in this patient. In each activity, the child was asked to observe and make movements with the head and eyeball, with the intention of looking for exactly the places that should be reached by the participant, as well as the places where the manipulated objects should be placed and replaced. They were observed through optometry tests, before and after the activities, if there was improvement in the development of ocular alterations. An important point to report is that the patient, with guidance from the optometrist, performed the motor and functional activities with a patch in the left eye, to stimulate the right eye where she has difficulty. The observed results bring us to the conclusion that, with the physical activities carried out, the pulvinar system was worked through concentration, motivation, attention and focus as requested in the physical activities above. In physical activities, we were also able to observe the evolution of the neurovisual aspect of the pulvinar system, through activities of concentration on colors, different sizes of materials, observation of distances covered by the patient.

Received on: 2022/11/29

Reformulated on: 2022/12/14

Accepted: 2022/12/14


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How to Cite

CASTILHO, Rosemeire Ribeiro; ROGERO, Cássia Schiffer; SILVEIRA, Ivaneide Pereira de Souza; GRILLO, Denise Elena. NONNAN SYNDROME: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MOTOR TRAINING AND ITS CONSEQUENCES ON OPHTHALMOLOGICAL ALTERATIONS. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY FOR ADAPTED MOTOR ACTIVITY, Marília, SP, v. 23, n. 2, p. 261–270, 2023. DOI: 10.36311/2674-8681.2022.v23n2.p261-270. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.