


Adapted Motor Activity, Rehabilitation, Neuroplasticity, Brain Stroke


Stroke is the second leading cause of death and the third leading cause of disability in the world, so that it is one of the biggest global health problems and high hospital costs, corresponding to 85% of stroke cases. In Brazil, it is considered the leading cause of death and disability. This research aimed to stimulate the neuroplasticity of the region affected by ischemic stroke with the perspective of favoring the recovery of motor control to promote functional independence and avoid secondary complications. The present single case study is of an interpretive descriptive character. This research involved a female volunteer, Brazilian, 57 years old, single, sedentary with a history of Ischemic Stroke. Through the repetition of the exercises, the recruitment of neurons close to the lesion occurs, contributing to the supply and possible innervation of paretic muscles of the hemibody affected by the stroke. Resistance exercises were performed interspersed with aerobic activities (bicycle and treadmill) and abdominal strengthening. In the intervention presented, early diagnosis combined with the rehabilitation process started in the first week reduced post-stroke sequelae. After 28 weeks of intervention, 5 days a week, the participant showed significant improvement in gait independence and in carrying out activities of daily living.

Received on: 2022/11/06

Reformulated on: 2022/12/12

Accepted: 2022/12/12

Author Biography

  • Silvia Soraia da Silva, Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro

    Professora de educação física

    Pos-graduada em educação motora

    Local de trabalho: 

    Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro


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