


Autism, Special education, Assessment, Adapted Motor Activity


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one of the neurodevelopmental disorders, characterized by restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, in addition to essential difficulties in social communication and social interaction. It may still have limitations in motor and psychomotor skills. In this sense, this research aimed to identify the assessment instruments used to assess motor development in children with autism spectrum disorder. For this, a systematic literature review research with a quali-quantitative aspect was developed. The search for articles was carried out between June and August 2020, in the following databases BVS, CAPES, SCIELO and SCIENCE. A total of 2,023 articles were found, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 21 articles were obtained for data extraction. The most used instrument in the surveys was the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-2 (23%; n=7), however other    instruments were found, although in smaller quantities in the surveys. When analyzing each instrument, it was observed that there was no tool to assess the specificities of autism, which could compromise the assessment of motor development. Thus, it is concluded that there is a lack of specific  instrument to assess the motor development of children with ASD and emphasizes the need to develop instruments that are sensitive to the different characteristics of the disorder in question.

Received on: 2021/12/17

Reformulated on: 2022/04/04

Accepted: 2022/04/04


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Author Biography

  • Iasmin Pires Leite, Centro Universitário Governador Ozanam Coelho

    Graduanda em Educação Física


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