



Autism Spectrum Disorder. Swimming. Exercise. Adapted Motor Activity.


The objective was to assess the perception of parents and therapists of children with autism regarding changes in general behavior and access to treatment. This paper describes an exploratory field study. The sample consisted of 54 participants: 38 parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who have been practicing swimming for at least 1 year; and 16 therapists who care for children with ASD. A survey type questionnaire (SurveyMonkey platform), created by the researchers and evaluated by three doctors in the area of Education and Physical Education was used for data collection. Cognitive, affective, motor aspects were assessed, as well as perceptions regarding access and skills related to swimming. Simple percentage was calculated on SurveyMonkey platform. Swimming caused favorable results, on parents and therapists perception. Despite the limitations, we conclude that swimming practice is positive on several aspects in the perception of parents and therapists of children with ASD. However, specialized professionals in this field are scarce.


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