


deficiência, Educação Física, Inclusão educational, Atividade Motora Adaptada


This study brings the perception of teachers in relation to the educational resources they use during Physical Education classes to include all students independent of their disability. The research aimed to analyze the educational resources used in Physical Education classes for inclusion. The method used was a qualitative, descriptive approach. The study participants were three Physical Education teachers from a private school in Maceió who have been working in elementary school for at least three years. As a data collection instrument, semi-structured interviews were used, using content analysis by categories to analyze the data. In the results found, it was evident that teachers recognize the importance of working with educational resources during their classes to facilitate students' learning and maximize inclusion, but the need to improve their technical knowledge and how to use the resources during their classes is visible. However, it was realized that educational resources are extremely important for classes, because with the use of them, the teacher has mainly managed to improve the relationship between students thus facilitating the activities to be worked on.

Received on: 2020/06/30

Reformulated on: 2021/02/02

Accepted: 2021/02/02


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