This is an outdated version published on 2021-04-06. Read the most recent version.





Adapted Motor Activity, Intellectual Disability, Psychomotricity, Psychomotor Battery


The inclusion process of people with disability in the education system continuously evolve through the social understanding of disability. Thus, evaluating the inclusion process is necessary to think about new strategies with the purpose of achieving the goal to make it effective in education system, and for this paper, in Physical Education classes. The research was a case study done at a downtown school in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Ten classes were observed and an evaluation form of interaction between students with and without disability during regular Physical Education classes was filled in. The purpose was to analyze the interaction between the student with a visual impairment and autism and their classmates during Physical Education classes. The results indicated that the interaction between the students occurred few times, and when they did, it was with a specific classmate to whom he demonstrated greater proximity, and always with a positive response. The study also showed that the teacher´s interventions were essential to encourage the interaction between the students, her requests to collaborate with the student with visual impairment and autism provided moments of knowledge, teaching and learning for all of them.

Received on: 2020/06/29

Reformulated on: 2021/03/01

Accepted: 2021/03/01


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2021-04-05 — Updated on 2021-04-06
