
  • Raul Mendes de Barros Mestrando em Filosofia na Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Campus de Marília



Parmenides; On Nature; story; being


How is it possible to extract philosophy from a text of four or five pages arbitrarily put
together over a thousand years of citations in Antiquity, whose original size is unknown
and whose parts, precariously connected, come together based on late criteria and
assumptions? Normally, we don't even want to reflect on questions of this type when we
try to study the thought of an author, since it is common for the study of a philosopher
not to go through the history of the work in question, when and in what way the text was
transmitted throughout of history. In this article, we will make some important
considerations that readers unfamiliar with Parmenides' Poem must have in order to avoid
falling into traps and dogmatically reproduce conventionally established interpretations.


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