
  • Luiz Raimundo Tadeu da Silva Silva Professor do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sudeste de Minas Gerais
  • Alex Fernandes da Veiga Machado Assistente em Administração da Universidade de Brasília (UnB) e Professor tutor de EaD NEAD/UFSJ/UAB
  • Pablo de Lara Sanches Professor do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sudeste de Minas Gerais



Artificial Intelligence, Machine discovery, Turing test, Chinese Room, Intentionality


The men admired a way to swim the fish, but today they sail faster than anyone. They'd like flying like the birds, but have been a lot higher. They searched for wisdom, now they have all the knowledge accumulated in the story available in a few clicks. Human evolution is about to meet its peak through the Technological Singularity, which can be understood as the future milestone reached at the moment that a computer program can think like a human, yet with quick access to all information already registered by society. It will not be like a man, but more intelligent than all mankind in history. So we have a big question: will this new entity has consciousness? Through a study of the levels of intelligent agents autonomy and in a timeless dialogue with Alan Turing, René Descartes, Ludwic Wittgenstein, John Searle and Vernor Vinge, we show the possibility of an artificial consciousness and that
the quest for intentionality, promoted by sophisticated algorithms of learning and machine discovery, is the key to reach of Technological Singularity.


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