
  • Bismarck Bório de Medeiros Doutorando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)




Abduction, Charles Sanders Peirce, Heuristics, Inference, Types of Reasoning


In this article, we will elucidate how the idea of Peirce's abductive inference is presented, as well as its double aspect, formal and explanatory, it does not have a well-defined resolution, proving to be problematic when trying to bring a clear and distinct definition to the term. From this, we will seek to defend the existence of a fourth type of inferential reasoning besides the deductive, inductive and abductive, evidenced in part by this apparent duality in the Peircean notion of abduction and also by reasonings defended as subgroups of others, called conductive reasoning. At the end, we will reflect on Conduction, as well as propose future studies aimed at a broader conceptual analysis of its legitimacy.


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