
  • Derek Assenço Mestrando em Direito na Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)
  • Letícia Pereira de Mestranda em Direito na Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)
  • Stephanie Mercedes Meireles Mestranda em Direito na Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)



Alterity, Sensitivity, Martin Buber, Emmanuel Lévinas, Enrique Dussel


This article’s objective is to investigate Martin Buber’s philosophy of dialogue and Emmanuel Lévinas’ ethics of alterity as proposals for paradigm shift concerning otherness and sensitivity. The aim is to expose the convergences and divergences between the philosophers' thoughts and subsequently analyse their influence on Enrique Dussel’s work. This is a qualitative study that adopts the bibliographic research method and is divided into three sections, each represented by one of the authors listed in this study. In conclusion, this article emphasises that while both Levinasian and Buberian philosophies represent distinct forms (albeit at times convergent and perhaps comparable in different instances) of understanding alterity, Dussel appears to react more vividly to the influence of Lévinas, whose reflections constitute a critique of the logic of the egocentric self.


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