Fake news and misinformation in Brazil: critical analyses regarding scientific information in pandemic times




Palabras clave:

Fake news, disinformation, Public Health, pandemic, journalism, scientific journalism


Introduction: fake news is one of the most frequently discussed subjects in the media, a problem that has become more evident with the rise of social and digital networks assuming the role of main information disseminators. From this perspective, it is important to be connected to a simple, fast communication vehicle that reaches many people. Media may also damage quality of scientific health communication with a negative impact on citizens’ lives.

Objective: in this context, this article aims to reflect on fake news and the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, which has devastated the world since the beginning of 2020, particularly in Brazil.

Methods: countless actions have been taken to contain what the World Health Organization (WHO) calls an “infodemic” that is present in everyday life, invading houses, mobile phones, and computers, in a time of social isolation and working from home. In this scenario, it is up to journalists, communicators, scientists, and health professionals jointly to share important information and to communicate about health and science in a responsible way.

Conclusion: in a crisis it becomes essential that information reaches a large number of people and community leaders in order to influence people positively, which might help to save lives.


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